Eocene extinction

Forgotten Extinction Event? Space Rock Hit Earth 30 Million Years Ago Helped Shape America

The Last Time the Globe Warmed

Eocene - Oligocene transition driven by change in CO2

The Extinction That Never Happened


Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum to Eocene-Oligocene Cooling | GEO GIRL

Enoterium: Taxonomic Mystery of an Eocene #animals #wildlife #enoterium #extinction #evolution

Big 5 Mass Extinction Events

How a Mass Extinction Event Created the Amazon

PICO vEGU21 - Eocene to Oligocene continental temperature seasonality changes - Agathe Toumoulin

Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (56 million years ago) informs us on today’s Climate: Part 3 of 3

Protherium: Ancient Herbivorous Mammal of Eocene

From the Fall of Dinos to the Rise of Humans

Life After Dinosaurs: The Ice Age and Beyond

The Mysterious Extinction of Multituberculates

#sciencefather | 🌍 Global Eocene-Oligocene Unconformity in Clastic Sedimentary Basins

Peter Ward on CO2, Extinction Events, and a Stagnant Ocean

The Eocene Era

Enoterium: The Enigmatic Eocene Mammal #bear #animals #nature #enoterium #extinction #wildlife

Why do Animals Look so Strange After Mass Extinctions

Eocene Oceans

How did Antarctica become frozen? The Eocene-Oligocene Transition (EOT)

The Warm Fuzzies: Mammals and Climate Change in the Eocene of North America

Early Versions of Familiar Mammals